Deliver The Goods: April 27th Is The Day To Hand In Your Old Prescription Drugs
April 17, 2019
What’s currently in your medicine cabinet? Besides the old nail polish bottles and the decades-old makeup samples, have you also held on to a myriad of medications you no longer take or need? If that sounds like you then prepare for April 27th: The DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) Rx National…
No Longer A Cure-All: New Guidelines On When To Take, And Not Take, Daily Aspirin
April 17, 2019
For decades, the medical community has advocated taking a daily baby aspirin to prevent heart attacks. And for those who have already had a heart attack or have other cardiovascular risks, that recommendation regarding a daily aspirin regimen continues to be in place. However, for those who have never had…
Forget About It: The Rise Of Memory Supplements That Do No Good
January 30, 2019
It’s no secret that there have been few successes when it comes to pharmaceutical breakthroughs for Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Little surprise then that patients and families are desperate to grab whatever treatments they see advertised or sold on drugstore shelves that promise some relief. That includes Prevagen, the dietary…
High Profile: Starting Medications For High Blood Pressure
January 16, 2019
Chances are if you’re over 65, you’re likely dealing with hypertension or high blood pressure. Statistics are that up to 80% of people over 65 have measurable high blood pressure. Aging can definitely contribute to hypertension, so keeping track of where you stand is important. For a broad overview of…
Deep Down: Using Artificial Intelligence For Critical Diagnostic Predictions
November 14, 2018
Like much of what’s in the news these days, the term “artificial intelligence” sounds important, yet somewhat unclear- and you may even think, at my age, I don’t need to learn about it. If that’s what you think, you’d be wrong and here’s why. Artificial intelligence is a process of…
The Costs Of Cancer: Expenses Can Be As Toxic As Treatment
October 10, 2018
They say that money can’t buy love- but in some very specific ways, it can definitely buy you time..and even life. And that’s one of the problems with the cutting-edge treatments now available for many cancer patients. Many cancer patients, especially seniors, are literally being priced out of the market…