Time Alone Will Tell: What We’ve Learned About Loneliness During COVID
March 31, 2021
As we’ve previously noted, one of the most distressing casualties of the pandemic has been the social isolation and loneliness that’s arisen because of the need to physically distance and quarantine. And while older adults have suffered more than other populations from COVID infections, feelings of loneliness during the pandemic…
Aging Today And Tomorrow: How Will The Pandemic Change Aging Going Forward?
February 3, 2021
If there’s one thing that COVID has revealed, it’s the contradictory nature of aging at this moment in time. Never have the words of Dickens, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” rung more true. For many seniors, the pandemic has truly been a horror…
Gender Disparities: Some Health Differences Borne By Older Women
November 11, 2020
These have been hard times for everyone. But women, in particular, seem to be in many ways disproportionately affected by the COVID crisis. In essence, the burdens imposed by the pandemic have been significantly borne by women when it comes to caregiving, childcare, work exposure to COVID, domestic violence, and…
News You Can Use: Some Recent COVID-19 Updates
November 4, 2020
As we enter our 9th month of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important to take stock of what we’ve learned and to keep track of new information as it arises. You can find every agebuzz post touching on some aspect of the coronavirus pandemic here and you can rest assured that…
Brain Builder: Social Engagement Supports Your Gray Matter
October 28, 2020
For a while now it’s been clear that the devastation from COVID has come not only from a physical viral infection but also from the epidemic of loneliness and social isolation it’s caused, especially among older adults. We already know that isolation in older adults can lead to an exacerbation…
Letter Perfect: The Re-Emergence And Value Of Letter Writing
September 23, 2020
In some ways, we’ve never been more connected with our friends and family, despite the presence of social distancing. We can Telephone, Zoom, FaceTime, Text, or Email and within a matter of seconds, check up on those we are missing. Yet, for many, especially older adults, this tech-connection leaves something…