Bridge The Distance: Negative Health Effects From Social Isolation
June 15, 2022
We’ve known for quite a long time that sensory input is critical to keeping our brains healthy and functioning. One important source of that input is social engagement. We also know that one of the most concerning health perils that accompanied Covid was the social isolation of many of our…
Best Of Friends: Rekindling Old Friendships And Developing New Ones
February 9, 2022
It was nobody’s fault. We were all put under the same constraints. When the pandemic began, none of us had the option of continuing our normal lives: We could no longer meet up with friends, engage in social activities, or join community programs. And while some maintained connections in the…
Gone And Forgotten? The Challenge Of Self Neglect Among Seniors
December 9, 2021
Over the years, we’ve addressed some of the dangers facing older adults from both physical and financial abuse. Whether from strangers scamming seniors on the internet or from familiar faces coming into the home and exploiting isolated older adults, there’s tremendous concern that even savvy older adults may fall victim…
Have A Laugh: Comedy In The Lives Of Seniors
October 20, 2021
There’s been little to laugh about over the past two years, with our political system in turmoil, our climate on the brink of disaster, and our public health system in tatters with the arrival of the pandemic. Add to that the isolation and loneliness that so many, especially older adults,…
Ties That Unite: The Value Of Social Interaction In Everyday Life
August 4, 2021
Even before the lockdowns of the last year and a half, we’ve known that loneliness has been a huge public health threat in both the United States and worldwide. And yes, many older adults were resilient during the pandemic and even took to technology in surprising and beneficial ways. But…
Out From Under: How Do We Solve The Loneliness Epidemic?
May 26, 2021
With the arrival of spring and an increasing number of Americans vaccinated, you might think that the problems of loneliness and social isolation, so prevalent among older adults during Covid, are no longer a concern. After all, once it’s safe to go out again, doesn’t that symbolize the end of…