Take This To Heart: Heart Health During This Time
August 19, 2020
It’s enough to make you stop in your tracks: Recently, Dr. Haider Warraich, a cardiologist and author of the book State of the Heart: Exploring The History, Science and Future of Cardiac Disease, warned that we may see a new wave of increased heart disease in our country as a…
Warning Shot: This Year Make Sure To Get Your Flu Shot
July 29, 2020
Despite the fact that we’re still in summer, it appears that it’s not too early to be thinking about your annual flu shot. Especially this year. Estimates are that in previous seasons only about 45% of adults received the flu vaccine. But for older adults, already at higher risk for…
Walk it Off: More Meditation Recommendations To Help You Cope
July 29, 2020
Those of you who have followed agebuzz for a while know that the evidence to support meditation and mindfulness is clear and compelling: For stress reduction, cognitive and emotional health, and a myriad of physical ailments, the ability to focus one’s mind and heighten one’s attention to the moment can…
Garden Variety: More Evidence You Should Shift To A Largely Plant-Based Diet
July 15, 2020
So how much junk food have you consumed during the pandemic? No reason to feel guilty- stressful circumstances often lead to changes in eating behaviors and can even start you on a vicious cycle of negative mental health repercussions, which could lead to even more poor food choices. So it’s…
Neither Sick Nor Cured: Lingering Symptoms From COVID-19 Infections
July 15, 2020
We know that older adults, with underlying chronic diseases and weakened immune systems, are at greater risk of infection with COVID-19, at greater risk of severe symptoms, and more vulnerable to the ravages of the disease. As the CDC reports, 8 out of 10 COVID-19-related deaths reported in the United…
A Hot Mess: Serious Health Concerns As The Weather Heats Up
June 24, 2020
With the arrival of summer, it’s important once again to make sure everyone understands the health hazards of hot weather, especially for older adults. Previous agebuzz posts on this important topic have spelled out the array of health concerns that surface when older adults are exposed to hot weather and…