Down In The Mouth: Poor Dental Hygiene Leads To Serious Health Problems
October 19, 2022
While our systems of medical and dental care seem to operate in 2 very different spheres, the reality is the connection between your physical, mental, and dental health is deep and important to recognize. In fact, as one expert has made clear, “Your mouth truly is the gateway to your…
Big Fish: More Evidence That You Need Omega-3 Fatty Acids In Your Diet
October 12, 2022
Like a broken record, we continue to assert one essential fact: You are what you eat. The healthier your diet, the healthier you will age in both body and brain. And so, despite some of the controversy (especially when consumed as part of a fish oil supplement), there continues to…
Pressure Points: Why You Should Be Monitoring Your Blood Pressure
October 5, 2022
Instinctively, you likely know that it’s important to keep your blood pressure in check. We’ve certainly addressed the topic previously and it’s one of those essential health markers that almost all of us have experienced during a medical exam (ever feel like the cuff on the blood pressure monitor is…
Worth A Shot: Get Your Flu Shot Now
September 28, 2022
With so much focus on the new and valuable Covid bivalent booster shot, you might forget about your need to get the usual “Fall” shot, i.e., your flu vaccination. But that would be a mistake, given everything experts know and warn us about this Fall. While the scope and severity…
Till The Last Drop: The Latest On How Coffee May Affect Your Health
September 28, 2022
Now that it’s officially Fall and there’s a chill in the air, our thoughts may drift toward warmer beverages (pumpkin latte anyone?). So it’s a good time to catch up on the latest reports and guidance regarding the health effects of coffee and caffeine. It’s a topic we’ve covered frequently…
(Don’t) Sit Down: More Evidence That Passive Sedentary Behavior Is Harmful
September 7, 2022
Hopefully, everyone had a relaxing and restful summer. If you were lucky, you grabbed some time sitting on the beach, lounging by the lake, or just relaxing in the backyard, ideally catching a breeze in all the summer heat we had. However, if you’re now strategizing about how to spend…