The Best Defense Is A Good Offense: Seniors And Martial Arts
April 27, 2018
Some of us may remember the classic scene from Seinfeld when Cosmo Kramer takes up Taekwondo and terrorizes his younger classmates. But far from a laughing matter, martial arts may, in fact, afford those of us who are older with the ideal physical and mental skills needed to ward off…
Flying Too Low: Aging Parents And Helicopter Children
April 27, 2018
You may worry about their whereabouts, or what drugs they’re taking- or even about whom they’re dating. And no, we’re not talking about teenage children. In fact, these days many of us are concerned about our older parents and whether they are at risk or in danger. Sometimes the worry…
Take A Bite: More Suggestions For Your Daily Diet
April 18, 2018
You know you should be eating a healthy diet. But it’s always good to have more ammunition to fortify your resolve. So, consider the following: First, from Consumer Reports, take a look at their just-published complete guide of why you need to be eating carrots. From fiber to antioxidants, carrots contain it all….
A Guiding Light: What Are The Normal Signs Of Aging?
April 18, 2018
We’ve all experienced the sensations: not feeling as energetic as usual, forgetting some common thoughts, feeling more susceptible to aches and pains. And we ask ourselves: Is this normal aging? Or is something wrong? Well, in a recent piece in Kaiser Health News, writer Bruce Horovitz lays out some general…
What Determines Whether You’re Getting Old: It Depends On How You’re Measuring
February 27, 2018
Every year on your birthday, you get a stark reminder of how old you are- at least according to the calendar. But some of us feel younger than our years would suggest, and others of us feel “older” than we’d like. How to explain this? Well, our chronological age is…
Eat It Up: The Anti-Aging Benefits of Fiber
February 22, 2018
It’s something many of us consider a necessary evil: ingesting sufficient fiber to keep our digestive track humming along. But if shredded wheat is not your idea of a good time, take heart: there are tastier ways to get fiber into your system and many reasons beyond the bathroom to make sure…