Success Or Failure: How Do You Know If You’re Aging Correctly?
May 17, 2018
Those of us with a Type A personality are usually driven to pursue success, even at great cost. So, as we grow older, the question becomes: How do we age “successfully”? What’s the measure of success- or failure? Well, according to geriatrician Leslie Kernisan, of Better Health While Aging, knowing whether…
Spring Fling: Time To Get Out Into Your Garden
May 14, 2018
For many of us, the arrival of nice weather means it’s time to get out the gloves and shears and head to the garden. The demands of your garden can mean a good physical workout and can bring immense pleasure- but it can also be a challenge if bending is…
Stress Less: Why and How To Minimize Your Stress
May 4, 2018
No one likes to feel stressed-out. And the evidence is clear: as we age, stress can take its toll on our bodies, both physically and mentally. And it doesn’t even need to be the result of a major life trauma- small stressors, day in and day out, over time, can build…
Easy As Pie: Essential Advice On What To Eat
May 4, 2018
Maybe you’re tired or confused about all of the advice out there: Eat this, don’t eat that, oh wait, now you can eat that but you shouldn’t eat this. It’s too much to remember and it’s tiring to keep track of the changing advice. Well, enter food writer Mark Bittman and Yale physician Dr. David Katz, both…
What’s That Word? The Link Between Word Retrieval And Exercise
May 4, 2018
You’ve been there: trying to remember a word that feels like it’s on the tip of your tongue but you just can’t spit it out. Well, you’re certainly not alone. In fact, this momentary lapse is known as “tip-of-the-tongue” state, and some new research has come out to help you…
Show Some Teeth: Aging And Oral Health
April 27, 2018
Most of us know that dreaded feeling: your tooth begins to ache and you realize yet another trip to the dentist may be necessary. And we’re the lucky ones. Given the lack of insurance coverage for dental health care under Medicare, many older individuals can’t afford to seek out a…