Eating For The Long Term: Culinary Secrets Of Those Who Live The Longest
July 26, 2018
While summer may equate with hotdogs and ice cream, those of you who hope for a long and healthy life may want to reach for something else. How about a grilled sweet potato with a side of beans? If we’ve learned anything from the Blue Zones, i.e., those areas of…
Something Fishy: Omega 3 Supplements Under Fire
July 18, 2018
Most of us try to eat a healthy diet, and for many of us, that includes several portions of fish each week as a major source of protein. By eating fish, you ingest Omega 3 fatty acids, long considered essential for a heart-healthy diet. So if eating fish is good for you, do…
Listen Up: A Health Coach Could Put You On The Path To Healthy Aging
July 18, 2018
These days, it’s common to get by with a little help from some “friends.” At the gym or in our homes, many of us have personal trainers. At our favorite stores, some of us have personal shoppers. Thinking of an encore career? There are now Life Coaches or Career Coaches to…
Out Of Shape: Body Shape Changes As You Age
June 21, 2018
We all know that aging ushers in all sorts of changes, be they physical, emotional, social or financial. Virtually every part of your body experiences some sort of change, from the cellular level to your outward appearance. For a comprehensive overview of the extent and variety of body changes, check…
Early Alert: Signs Of Pre-Dementia Damage In Those With High Blood Pressure
June 21, 2018
If you think you know the risks you’re courting by not addressing your high blood pressure, think again. It turns out that even in mid-life, those of us with high blood pressure are risking neurological damage that could lead to dementia as we get older. New research in the journal…
Time Flies: Make Time For Fun As You Age
June 11, 2018
The list of worries as you get older can be endless: between health, money and family concerns, it’s easy to let anxiety and fear overwhelm you. But as a recent article in the Wall Street Journal (paywall) reminds us, it’s critically important to make sure you allow for some fun…