Smarten Up: A Resourceful New Book For Your Later Years
October 24, 2018
As with many topics, including aging, it’s often hard to separate essential truths from widespread myths. Sometimes it’s only through lived experiences that we find out what’s real and what’s not. Well, as a way to shortcut this process of getting smart, there’s a new resource for you: Navigating Your…
Don’t Skip The Fish: New Research Supports The Need For Fish In Your Diet
October 24, 2018
We’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating. It seems that including fish in your diet is essential for promoting healthy aging. And new research just published in The British Medical Journal (BMJ) underscores this point. Researchers from Tufts University followed over 2500 people, with an average age of 74…
A Long Shot: How To Think About Lifespan Calculators
October 17, 2018
How long will I live? Perhaps not a question you routinely ask yourself, yet probably something that most of us have thought about. While there’s no easy way to determine your fate, there are multiple “longevity calculators” available online that can predict your potential lifespan, while also providing you with…
Nuts And Bolts: You Should Be Eating These Nuts
October 17, 2018
If you’re like most of us, you’re always on the prowl for something to snack on. But you probably also know that you are what you eat- the healthier your food, the healthier you’ll age. So how do you solve the snack dilemma? No doubt about it: Nuts are among…
Brains And Games: Expert Advice On Keeping Your Brain Sharp
October 17, 2018
You already know how important physical exercise is for keeping your body healthy as you age. Now, a recent study published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience tells us that physical exercise, in combination with mental challenges, may be a valuable way to keep your brain sharp and healthy. Researchers found…
Give It A Shot: Why You Need The Flu Shot Now
October 10, 2018
We’re well into October and you’re probably thinking about apples and leaves and perhaps Thanksgiving. But are you also thinking about getting your flu shot? Experts tell us that now is exactly the time you should be getting your shot- to protect yourself and your loved ones, no matter their…