Eat Away: Healthy Diet Choices For You And Those Who Follow You
March 20, 2019
Eating healthy for yourself is tough enough. Trying to do that while also being aware of the environmental impact of your food choices is even more challenging. But as a recent report makes clear, we’ve reached the point where the negative environmental impact of the way we currently eat could…
Doctor Shopping: Is It Time To Find A Geriatrician?
March 13, 2019
No two people age alike. Some of us feel like the proverbial “spring chicken” despite advancing age while others feel like we’ve hit a wall well before we consider ourselves “old.” In essence, there can be no hard and fast rules about what should precisely happen once you reach a…
Break Your Fall: The Value Of Exercise To Prevent Falls
March 6, 2019
You’re lucky if you don’t know this feeling: upright one minute and the next, down on the ground. For anyone who’s taken a fall, you know you’re fortunate to get away with just a few bruises or scrapes. But for many, a fall becomes a critical and even life-defining event:…
The Gift That Keeps Giving: How Volunteering Supports Health in Seniors
February 28, 2019
It’s well known that giving makes us feel good, but did you know giving in the form of volunteering can actually benefit our health as we age? A recent study conducted by the Corporation for National and Community Service has shown that the social, mental, and physical aspects of…
Gut Feeling: Putting Aside Food Rules and Following Your Intuition
February 27, 2019
Raise your hand if you’re exhausted by all of the food rules and diet advice that restricts your instincts when it comes to eating. Some of us never eat a meal without a sense of guilt or shame or bargaining with ourselves about our urge to eat something “bad.” And…
A Man And A Plan: Healthy Aging Strategies For Men
February 27, 2019
While articles abound regarding women’s health and aging, it’s less common to see guidance for healthy aging in men. However, given sex differences in aging, it’s important that men (and the women who care for them!) understand specific concerns regarding aging in men. For an overview of health tips for…