Work Your Butt: Too Much Sitting Is Harmful To Your Health
May 2, 2019
Take a seat- or maybe not, according to several new research studies. While it’s no secret that exercise is crucial for healthy aging, what you may not realize is that too much sitting can also have serious health consequences. Longtime agebuzz readers may recall last spring’s post “Stand Up: Too…
What’s For Breakfast? New Evidence In The Debate Over A Morning Meal
May 1, 2019
Some of us face this dilemma every morning: whether or not to eat breakfast and if so, what to eat? There are lots of mixed messages about whether to eat when you wake up– though less debate about whether you should stick to a “healthy” breakfast or give in to…
Walk Away: Walking Briskly, With Or Without Poles
April 3, 2019
Longtime agebuzz readers already know that walking briskly may have positive health benefits. And now, with the results from a new research study, it seems your excuse for not taking a brisk walk just got flimsier. It turns out, just one hour of moderate-to-vigorous exercise per week (10 minutes/day) can help…
Fat Chance: What To Do About Your Visceral Belly Fat
April 3, 2019
Those of us who’ve reached middle age and beyond often become new members of a rather dreadful “club:” that of the “expanding waistlines,” for whom accumulated fat, especially around the waist, can cause significant risk for Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Are you a card-carrying member of this “club?”…
Measure Up: Exercise Can Measure Your Mortality And Extend Your Life Span
March 27, 2019
Does this sound familiar? Someone invites you to take a seat- on the floor- and you stop to think: Will I be able to gracefully sit on the floor and then get back up without a helping hand? If that sounds like you, then you may feel some real worry…
Inside And Out: Taking Care Of Your Skin For Your Image And Your Health
March 20, 2019
How your skin appears on your face, your neck or even your hands is one of the first telltale signs of how old you are. No matter how youthful you dress or behave, your skin usually doesn’t lie. And while most of us try to slather on the balms and…