Tea Cup: Does Research Support The Health Benefits Of Tea Drinking?
September 25, 2019
It’s easy to get taken in by the headlines, and this past week’s news had many about the brain benefits derived from drinking tea. Reporting in the journal Aging, researchers from the National University of Singapore published findings from a small study of 36 older adults that examined the efficiency…
Behind The Eight Ball: What It’s Like Being In Your 80s
September 18, 2019
If you or a loved one are approaching your 80s, congratulations- you’re part of a growing trend. The 85+ age range is the fastest-growing group of older adults in our country, and estimates are that by 2050, ¼ of all older adults will be over 85- nearly 19 million Americans….
From Soup To Nuts: Good Food And Nutrition Are Critical For Healthy Aging
September 11, 2019
Almost daily, there’s a news story about the latest “research” on what you should- or shouldn’t- be eating. Just opening your fridge at this point feels like an act of bravery, as the expert guidance on healthy eating seems to constantly shift. But, according to real nutrition experts, the truth…
Now You’re Cooking: Food Prep In Your Later Years
August 28, 2019
Food writer Craig Claiborne once said, “Cooking is at once child’s play and adult joy. And cooking done with care is an act of love.” For many older adults, cooking is their connection to family traditions, to social engagement and to sharing love and affection with those in their lives….
Making Sense: The Impact Of Sensory Impairment As You Age
August 21, 2019
You likely take them for granted: Your five senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch) are your gateway to exploring and appreciating the world around you, yet you don’t typically think about them- until it’s too late. And that’s a problem, especially as you get older. New research published in…
Going Strong: Strength And Resistance Training For Muscles, Mind And Heart
August 21, 2019
Few of us escape this discovery: the older we get, the weaker our muscles seem to be. Long-time agebuzz readers will remember that sarcopenia (the progressive loss of skeletal muscle) can leave you frail and dependent, and at greater risk for falls and other life-limiting conditions. So the key is…