Garden State: The Various Health Benefits Of Gardening Right Now
August 5, 2020
Audrey Hepburn once said, “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” And while some of us are having a hard time believing in anything right now, there’s also no doubt that many have turned to gardening, both as an enjoyable pastime and even a reliable source of fresh…
Warning Shot: This Year Make Sure To Get Your Flu Shot
July 29, 2020
Despite the fact that we’re still in summer, it appears that it’s not too early to be thinking about your annual flu shot. Especially this year. Estimates are that in previous seasons only about 45% of adults received the flu vaccine. But for older adults, already at higher risk for…
Iron Out: New Research Suggests Blood Iron Levels Play A Critical Role In The Aging Process
July 22, 2020
How long we live, and how healthy we stay as we age, is usually attributed to a multitude of factors, including our genes, lifestyle, socioeconomic factors, and even just good fortune. But a new research study reported online in Nature Communications has thrown another factor into the mix: It appears…
Garden Variety: More Evidence You Should Shift To A Largely Plant-Based Diet
July 15, 2020
So how much junk food have you consumed during the pandemic? No reason to feel guilty- stressful circumstances often lead to changes in eating behaviors and can even start you on a vicious cycle of negative mental health repercussions, which could lead to even more poor food choices. So it’s…
Move It Or Lose It: The Vital Connection Between Exercise And Brain Health
July 15, 2020
You’ve likely heard it many times before: Exercise is a key ingredient for healthy aging and even small amounts of movement can be critical to lowering your risk of physical ailments as well as cognitive decline. But in case you weren’t convinced by the prior evidence (or motivated to move),…
Walk Along: Now Is The Time To Get The Benefits From Walking
July 15, 2020
The summer heat and humidity may not be the best motivators to get you active outside. Yet so many of us are exhausted and cranky from too much time spent indoors and without social connection due to the coronavirus. And while we can’t advocate that you once again take up…