Checks And Balances: A Follow-Up “Check-In” With Balance and Falls Expert Molly Roffman
February 3, 2021
As you may remember, last June agebuzz readers were lucky to learn from the wisdom and advice of Molly Roffman, the balance and falls expert who runs the studio StepWISEnow. The interview with Molly was one of our most popular posts from 2020, and now she is back to share…
Take It Outside: Braving The Cold For Better Health
January 20, 2021
By now you know the drill: gathering inside with people beyond your immediate household poses significant Covid risk, especially as the new Covid-19 variants take hold. And while many may shudder at the thought of gathering outside during the cold winter, it seems that not only is that the safest…
Sharp As A Tack: Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s Critical Insights About Better Brain Health
January 13, 2021
He may not recommend multi-tasking as a way to keep your brain sharp, but Dr. Sanjay Gupta certainly juggles many hats and tasks himself at the same time. He’s a practicing brain surgeon, Associate Professor of Neurosurgery at Emory University and Associate Chief of Neurosurgery at Atlanta’s Grady Memorial Hospital,…
Short And Sweet: How To Get And Stay Strong, Moving And Motivated
January 6, 2021
New year, new you? With the new year upon us and resolutions top of mind, exercise may once again be on the front burner. But with so much going on in the world, and so many restrictions still in place, it may be challenging to rev up your willpower and…
Sit Down, Then Head Out: Sitting May Have Benefits But So Does Getting Outdoors
October 21, 2020
For a long time now, including from agebuzz, the warnings have been consistent, i.e., that “sitting is the new smoking” and the more sedentary your lifestyle, the more harm to your health. So when reports recently surfaced that sitting, in fact, may not be so bad for you, we had…
Hale And Hearty: Now More Than Ever You Need To Be Eating Well
October 14, 2020
As we move back inside and prepare to hunker down during the coming winter months, we will continue to face threats to our health. In so many places, COVID is still raging strong and case numbers continue to rise. That means none of us can afford to let down our…