Snack Attack: Rethink Snacks While Creating Healthier Meals
July 1, 2021
We’ve certainly spent a lot of time covering the benefits to your brain and body of eating a healthy diet. So while we hope you’ve taken steps to rethink your meals, it’s probably also time to consider what you’re eating between meals. Generally speaking, there’s nothing objectively wrong with eating…
Good Practice: Getting Back To Regular Medical Check-Ups
June 23, 2021
Chances are, you know you really should go. At agebuzz, we’ve given you a gentle nudge to get back into a preventive health care mode, and likely, you’ve already returned to your physician if something urgent is going on. Experts have put together lists of recommended screenings and tests that…
Fixed In Time: Life Expectancy Hasn’t Changed But Healthy Lifestyles Can Help
June 23, 2021
While Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and solitary scientists toil away at pushing the boundaries of human mortality, a dose of reality was recently interjected into the ongoing conversations about how long humans can live. A multi-national team of scientists just published findings that conclude that aging continues to be a relatively…
Blaze A Trail: Hiking Is A Great Post-Pandemic Outdoor Activity
June 23, 2021
Now that you’re reacquainted with the outdoor world and hopefully recommitted to physical exercise, you may be excited to combine movement with adventure and walking with wandering in nature. If so, hiking – whether on a formally marked trail or just off the beaten path- can be just the ticket…
Competitive Edge: The Benefits Of Athletic Competition As An Older Adult
June 16, 2021
Some of us have a hard enough time getting off the couch on any particular day. Others understand the significant boost to health and well-being that exercise can provide, especially if we abide by the expert recommendations of at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per week. Then…
Return Engagement: Jettison Your Pandemic Diet And Return To Healthy Eating
June 9, 2021
You may as well admit it. Like so many others, chances are your diet during the pandemic was anything but healthy. As a new survey reports from the meetings of the American Society For Nutrition, attention to healthy eating took a nosedive during the pandemic, especially when it comes to…