Will You Make It To 100? Research Is Paving The Way
August 4, 2021
While not all of us are on track to becoming centenarians, enough of us are that it’s worth studying how people get there and how those with such long lives can live fully and robustly for as long as possible. Only about 1 % of Americans reach age 100 but…
Song And Dance: Sashay Your Way To Better Health
August 4, 2021
It was once said, “There are shortcuts to happiness and dancing is one of them.” What also seems to be true is that dancing can be a “shortcut” to other aspects of physical and emotional well-being. Both from ongoing research and the insights of those who have spent their lives…
Steady And Stable: Strategies To Improve Balance And Lessen Fall Injuries
August 4, 2021
While it’s not inevitable, it is a fact that the older you become, the greater your risk of falling. The CDC reports that one in 4 adults age 65 and older falls each year, and falls are the leading cause of both non-fatal and fatal injuries among older adults, with…
The ABCs of CBD: An Interview With CBD Producer Bonnie Hagen, Founder of Bright Energy Wellness
July 21, 2021
The past 18 months have left many of us anxious and uncertain, as well as stressed and strained, as we’ve navigated our health and well-being under very difficult circumstances. As a result, many have been in search of help for the pain, anxiety, and other sources of distress that have…
Keep It Up: Regardless Of Age Or Weather, You Need To Keep Exercising
July 21, 2021
No one would blame you if you decided to stop exercising this summer. Between the heat and humidity, and the rain, drought, and fires, it’s not very appealing to be outside much of the time. And you’re likely bored with whatever indoor exercises kept you going during COVID. But exercise…
How Long A Life? New Updates About Life Expectancy
July 14, 2021
We recently reported that life expectancy appears to be biologically fixed even if recent advances suggest that many live longer. However, it is important to realize that conditions over the last year and a half have somewhat changed the situation. Due to the coronavirus pandemic’s impact, life expectancy in the United…