Women Of A Certain Age: Health Concerns For Older Women
January 19, 2022
Among the many differences between men and women are the ways that they experience the aging process. We’ve previously touched on several ways that men and women are different, including the length of their life spans, the physical and cognitive challenges they face, and their experiences as caregivers for aging…
Tech Support: Pushing The Boundaries Of Tech For Seniors At Home
January 19, 2022
Someone once said, “Once you have glimpsed the world as it might be, it is impossible to live anymore complacent in the world as it is.” That seems to be the way things are going with the integration of technology into the lives of older adults. If the pandemic has…
Nourish And Flourish: How To Think About Food in 2022
January 12, 2022
The beginning of a new year is often a time to take stock and reconsider health and well-being, including diet, exercise, and sleep habits. As well, in times of chaos and uncertainty, thinking about food and what you are eating can give you some sense of order and control. When…
New Year, New You? Healthy Aging Essentials For 2022
January 5, 2022
With the new year upon us (but many of the old stressors remaining), you may be hesitant to receive advice about “new beginnings.” After all, the current state of affairs has enough curveballs and challenges to leave most of us unwilling to rock our personal boats right now. Yet, as…
Accent The Positive: A Good Attitude Leads To Better Health
January 5, 2022
The French philosopher and writer Voltaire is thought to have once said, “I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health.” Despite living in the 18th century, Voltaire was onto something relevant and recognized today: a focus on positive thinking not only will help with your…
Brain Power: Better Cognition Through Physical Exercise
January 5, 2022
Over the years we’ve explored the connection between exercise and building brain health. The evidence has been building for a while that keeping your body moving and physically fit not only supports better physical aging but can also keep your mind robust and functioning despite advancing age. Now we can…