Hold Court: The Ins And Outs Of Playing Pickleball
April 19, 2023
Just about one year ago, we began to take note of a new sport sweeping the nation- and its particular attraction for older adults. In fact, in just one year, pickleball, that weirdly named sport combining aspects of tennis, ping pong, and badminton, has become virtually a national obsession, with…
Brains And Brawn: New Research On How Exercise Supports Brain Health
April 12, 2023
There’s no lack of valuable, science-based information on the critical importance of exercise to keep yourself healthy as you get older, including many posts available on agebuzz. That means exercising to keep your heart pumping, your immune system fighting, and your muscles and bones strong and stable to avoid falls….
Stretch Right Up: Should Stretching Be A Regular Part Of Your Routine?
April 5, 2023
“Move it or lose it” is an essential mantra here at agebuzz. We are passionate about the need to stay physically active and keep moving, and about the strength you need to properly fuel that movement. Furthermore, to stay active and out and about, and to carry on your essential…
Go Nuts: Your Diet (And Health) Will Benefit From Added Nuts
April 5, 2023
Regular agebuzz readers are aware of the physical and cognitive health benefits derived from adhering to a healthy diet. Among the most recognized and recommended diets is the Mediterranean diet, which primarily consists of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, lean proteins, legumes, seeds, and nuts. While not everyone consistently…
Walk And Wonder: The Value Of Walks Beyond Physical Exercise
March 29, 2023
As we finally get ourselves out of winter and into more inviting, warmer weather, going outside for a walk should become a more pleasurable experience. By now it’s hopefully become your mantra that a daily walk is an essential- and easy- way to fulfill recommended fitness requirements and put you…
Mighty Muscles: Muscle Strength Is A Must For Healthy Aging
March 22, 2023
We’ve not hesitated to encourage you to maintain or boost your strength as you go about your healthy aging exercise routine. As you may know, after age 30 you lose up to 8% of your muscle mass every decade, and once you hit 60 that process accelerates. So not only…