Can’t Hurt, May Help: Are Your Brain Games Helping Your Cognition?
January 1, 2025
There’s no dispute at this point that engaging your mind and challenging your brain are important activities to keep your cognition and memory sharp and functioning into your later years. As one expert succinctly states, “If something is mentally challenging, chances are that’s probably pretty good for your brain.” There’s…
Stride And Stroll: How To Continue Walking This Winter
January 1, 2025
We’re at that time of year when the days are short (and likely cold), precipitation may be in the air, and your food consumption may have gone up with all of the holiday goodies and gatherings. Your head may know that it’s critical to keep physically active but your heart…
Mug Musings: More Evidence About The Benefits From Drinking Coffee
January 1, 2025
The flow of positive health benefits from drinking coffee continues to pour in from medical journals, though researchers continue to admit they are not quite sure whether the benefits stem from caffeine in the coffee or from some of the 2000 other chemical compounds found in coffee, especially those with…
Pull Your Weight: Kettlebells For Improving Your Strength
December 4, 2024
We may sound like a broken record, but we’ll continue to make the case: It’s essential that you regularly engage in strength training as an older adult. There’s simply no better way to keep your muscles activated, your body balanced and your brain robust. In particular, we know that your…
Silent Fight: Are You Equipped To Combat Osteoporosis?
December 4, 2024
You’ve likely heard of osteoporosis and perhaps even know friends or loved ones who suffer from it. But do you know whether you yourself have osteoporosis or its precursor, osteopenia? Like many diseases, you may not know you have it until you experience a problem, such as pain from a…
All Walks Of Life: The Connection Between Walking And Life Expectancy
November 20, 2024
If you’re heading out for your daily walk, or contemplating going for a walk later today, you’re already in good standing. As you likely know, and as we have covered in previous agebuzz posts, walking is an easy, accessible, and inexpensive way for you to stay active and healthy, especially…