Tell Me Where It Hurts: Finding A Doctor In Today’s World
October 4, 2023
You’re not alone if you’re feeling frustrated. Far too many have difficulty these days finding a primary care doctor who can be your “home base:” Someone to give you an annual check-up, be there for you when something seems wrong, guide you to specialists when you have particular problems, and…
Athletic Achievement: What Is Exercise Doing For Your Brain And Body?
September 27, 2023
By now you probably know that exercise is an essential component of healthy aging: You simply must move your body on a consistent and regular basis to support both physical, cognitive, and emotional health and well-being. As we’ve said time and again, both aerobic exercise, to get your heart pumping…
The Finish Line: Do You Know What Your Life Expectancy Is?
September 27, 2023
Do you know how long you’re likely to live? While that may seem like a strangely morbid question, in today’s world it has practical relevance for so many plans and decisions faced by everyone growing older. Those plans- Should I retire soon? Have I saved enough money for my retirement?…
As Things Stand: More Evidence Why You Should Limit Your Sitting
September 20, 2023
You’ve heard it before and we’ve said it before: Sitting is the new smoking. Long stretches spent sitting in a chair can cause dire consequences for your physical health and mental well-being. The evidence has been building for years. For example, even just an hour’s worth of sitting means your…
Off The Cuff: Be Careful Monitoring Your Blood Pressure
September 20, 2023
So what do your numbers add up to? Your blood pressure numbers, that is. High blood pressure often has no symptoms yet is the cause of substantial ill health and premature death (estimates are over 650,000 US deaths per year are related to high blood pressure). So it’s critical that…
How To Eat: Updated Advice On Healthy Eating Strategies
September 13, 2023
Even though there’s no shortage of advice on how to eat in order to promote healthier aging, many of us still struggle in our day-to-day lives to figure out what to eat. For most, the options are overwhelming (In fact, Dr. Peter Attia has called most of us “overnourished”) and…