Dealing With Disability While Aging: An Interview With Disability Advocate Dr. Katherine Schneider
October 16, 2024
While agebuzz has never shied away from addressing the challenges you may confront as an aging adult, we have not, to date, sufficiently addressed the issue of disability and how it may affect your aging experience, either as a person with disabilities who is getting older or as an older…
Belly Aching: Why You Should Pay Attention To Your Belly Fat
September 18, 2024
It’s almost a rite of passage for those of us into our middle years or beyond: As the years add up, so too do the pounds, along with a ring of fat around our waists. We’ve previously addressed the ring of belly fat that can encircle your waist, both what…
Hear And Tell: New Software From Apple May Be Your Hearing Loss Solution
September 18, 2024
As you likely remember, back in 2022, the FDA approved the sale of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids, which, for the first time, allowed consumers to purchase hearing aids without going to an audiologist, getting a prescription and often paying thousands of dollars. It was anticipated that this new option would…
Three-Point Shot: How To Approach Vaccinations This Fall
September 11, 2024
If you’ve been lucky, you were not affected by the COVID upsurge this summer, and perhaps the Flu and RSV have not been on your radar since last year’s vaccination push. But now is the time to check in to see whether you need to be revaccinated for any of…
All By Yourself: Coping Mechanisms For Combatting Loneliness
August 28, 2024
It’s not inevitable that you’ll feel lonely as you get older, but it is common among older adults (estimates are that more than one-third of adults aged 45 and older feel lonely). And as we’ve previously written, it’s a feeling that can deeply impact both your physical and mental health….
Marry Me: Married Older Men Age Better
August 28, 2024
As with most things in life, men and women tend to do things differently. When it comes to aging, men fare better in certain areas and women tend to do better in others. However, when it comes to marriage, the impact on healthy aging now seems clear: Men seem to…