Under Stress: Why You Need To Lower Your Stress Level
March 2, 2022
While many found resilience and a sense of optimism during the pandemic, a sizable number of older adults experienced a serious level of stress- which may continue to linger – either from fear of infection, loss of income, social isolation, or even declining physical or mental health. In fact, in…
M & M: Mindfulness And Meditation As Support In Uncertain Times
February 9, 2022
Are we done with the pandemic or are we just in a lull? Are there more harmful variants to come or is the worst behind us? Will we erupt into a new domestic civil war? Will Russia invade Ukraine? The list of dilemmas and “what ifs” are endless these days….
Best Of Friends: Rekindling Old Friendships And Developing New Ones
February 9, 2022
It was nobody’s fault. We were all put under the same constraints. When the pandemic began, none of us had the option of continuing our normal lives: We could no longer meet up with friends, engage in social activities, or join community programs. And while some maintained connections in the…
Upright And All Right: Get Rid Of That Poor Pandemic Posture
February 2, 2022
Let’s face it: the pandemic has allowed many to slide into a lazy way of being. You may have begun to eat more, exercise less, and generally indulge in habits that are engaging or distracting, but perhaps not always healthy. Along with that slide may be another physical, practical concern:…
Tame Your Mane: Keeping Hair Healthy And Manageable As You Age
January 26, 2022
For many, it’s an ongoing saga. One of the most visible signs that you’re getting on in years is the appearance of your hair. In many previous posts, we explored the decision to stop coloring your hair and go gray, along with the pros and cons that accompany that choice….
Grappling With Grief: Strategies And Support To Deal With Loss
January 26, 2022
One of the many lessons to be learned as a result of the pandemic is that we need to talk more about death- and about grief- both on a societal as well as on an individual level. Far too many of us have been unprepared for the loss of loved…