Doing Good And Doing Well: New Research Supports Health Benefits Of Kindness
April 27, 2022
The Roman philosopher Seneca once said, “Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness.” Yet in this day and age, kindness appears to be too often in short supply: we have divisive, brutish politics, brutal armies destroying innocent people, and cities and rural areas in…
Home Sweet Home: What Are Your Plans To Age In Place?
April 20, 2022
It’s been long assumed that most people want to grow older living in the community rather than moving to an assisted living facility or some other institutional setting (though remember, as we posted recently, “aging-in-place” often necessitates outside support and communal efforts to be successful). Demographically, it’s been estimated that…
We Need To Talk: Advance Care Planning Essential Conversations
April 13, 2022
How are you planning to mark this Saturday, April 16th, which is National Healthcare Decisions Day? Maybe grab your best friends or your closest loved ones and have a really good heart-to-heart about what matters and what you fear the most? Good communication and heartfelt conversation are the foundation for…
Covid Confusion: Where Do Things Stand?
April 6, 2022
It feels like there’s a lot of chaos and confusion out there when it comes to understanding where things stand concerning Covid. In China and Hong Kong, for example, a new wave of the Omicron BA.2 variant is raging and in some areas, extreme measures are back in place to…
Skill Set: Can You Still Handle The Practical Activities Of Daily Living?
March 30, 2022
Intuitively, you likely know what the essential skills are for living independently and on your own in the community: You need to be able to walk (or otherwise get around your environment), eat, and toilet yourself. You also need to be able to obtain and prepare food, keep yourself and…
Counting Calories: The Link Between Calorie Reduction & Healthier Aging
March 16, 2022
There’s long been evidence of a connection between limiting the number of calories consumed and promoting a healthier and longer life span. While there’s been skepticism that specific diets can be “anti-aging,” there is a body of research involving animals that suggests that cutting calories can improve metabolism, extend the…