One More Shot: Recommendations Regarding The New Covid Booster Vaccine
September 14, 2022
Well, despite the lifting of vaccine mandates, mask requirements, and other Covid protections that have been used throughout the pandemic, we are not yet done with Covid-19. Currently, over 450 people per day are still dying of Covid in the United States, and the overwhelming majority of Covid infections (89%)…
(Don’t) Sit Down: More Evidence That Passive Sedentary Behavior Is Harmful
September 7, 2022
Hopefully, everyone had a relaxing and restful summer. If you were lucky, you grabbed some time sitting on the beach, lounging by the lake, or just relaxing in the backyard, ideally catching a breeze in all the summer heat we had. However, if you’re now strategizing about how to spend…
Hear The Call: Over The Counter (Less Expensive) Hearing Aids Are Finally Coming!
August 24, 2022
It’s been a long time in the works, but the reality of over-the-counter, non-prescription hearing aids is finally about to materialize. Having granted final approval to these new devices, the FDA has now opened the door to an entirely new market of hearing aids that will be accessible, available, and…
Upright And Alright: The Many Health Benefits Of Better Posture
August 24, 2022
Do you feel yourself hunching over? Do you worry about slumping shoulders or a rounded back? Do you have visions of your later years spent facing the ground as your head points down? These are certainly stereotypical images of older adults with poor posture- but there’s no reason to assume…
Ringing Off The Hook: New Insights And Options For Tinnitus Sufferers
August 17, 2022
If you’ve never experienced it, consider yourself lucky. But for the more than 749 million people worldwide who suffer from the ringing, buzzing, pulsing noises that they hear inside their ears or head (with no corresponding external noise that anyone else can hear), the experience of tinnitus is one that…
Good Going: How Is Your Bladder Health?
August 10, 2022
It’s an age-old problem. Or rather, it’s an old-age problem: How do you deal with your increasingly “cranky” bladder, that either demands urgent attention, or that leads to embarrassing “streams” at inconvenient times? We’ve touched on this topic before and it’s likely many have personal familiarity with the issue. But…