Age Debate: Does It Matter How Old You Actually Look Or Feel?
March 8, 2023
You may remember (especially if you feel your memory is good for your age!) that about a year ago, we published a post about the significant number of people who subjectively feel younger than their chronological age. As that post made clear, many people feel younger than the calendar tells…
Help And Healing: Maybe You Need A Physical Therapist
February 8, 2023
So maybe you took a dreaded fall not that long ago, or ended up undergoing the knee replacement you put off for so long. Or maybe you just find yourself more stiff and achy due to osteoarthritis in your knee or hip. Or maybe you just can’t rid yourself of…
Sitting (Not So) Pretty: Even Brief Walks Can Counter The Negative Effects Of Excessive Sitting
January 18, 2023
It’s no secret that a sedentary lifestyle and excessive sitting can be harmful to both your physical and cognitive health. In fact, whether you continue to sit in an office, spend hours in front of the tv, or just like to relax all day on your front porch, sitting for…
How Well Do You Smell? Loss Of Smell May Spell Trouble
January 18, 2023
As we’ve highlighted in the past, loss of the sense of smell could be a warning sign that you are facing the onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s. Since that previous post, more recent studies have confirmed this suspicion and provided additional evidence of the connection. In a study published in…
Less Stress: New Research Suggests Older Adults Experience Less Stress
January 18, 2023
While for some, the vision of life as an older adult is one of retirement, relaxation, and soaking up a carefree life, most of us know the reality is not quite so rosy, even if you’ve managed to save enough money to afford a comfortable lifestyle. But many of us…
Carry Water: Poor Hydration May Accelerate Aging
January 11, 2023
While for many, the new year conjures up the notion of “dry January” (meaning abstaining from alcohol), it’s clear from recent research as well as long-established scientific evidence that when it comes to drinking water, it’s important to regularly drink, especially for older adults. We’ve previously addressed the concerns that…