Lucky In Love? Relationships As We Age
March 6, 2019
Is it luck, hard work, fate or something else that keeps some of us in long-term relationships? While there’s no doubt that being part of a successful marriage or long-term relationship requires commitment and compromise (perhaps alongside a developed sense of humor), it also turns out that you or your…
Time Of Your Life: Do Genetics Determine How Long You Will Live?
November 14, 2018
Are you expecting to lead a long life because your parents or grandparents lived well into their later years? If so, you may need to come up with another strategy: As it turns out, genetics seems to play much less of a role in longevity than most people realize. …
Test Case: Consumers Gain Direct Access To 10 Genetic Tests From 23andme
April 13, 2017
The future has arrived: with the simple submission of a saliva sample, you can now take a glimpse into your genetic make-up. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has now authorized the genetic testing company, 23andme, to offer consumers direct access to genetic testing for 10 diseases, including Parkinson’s and late-onset Alzheimer’s,…
Twist Of Fate: Ways To Get Around Your Cardiac Genetic Predisposition
November 17, 2016
While it’s been said that your DNA is your destiny, that may not always be the case. A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine confirms that even if you have a predisposition to heart disease, the way you live your life can significantly reduce your risk of…