A Sweet Encore: agebuzz Interviews Mike Everly, Founder of Bees & Trees: Life As A Manuka Honey Producer For An Encore Career
August 16, 2023
For so many of us, as retirement-age approaches, we wonder what’s next: How will we fill our days? What fulfilling pursuits can we find? Will there be an income stream to help support retirement? Mike Everly, Founder of Bees and Trees, a company that produces and imports Manuka Honey…
A Whole Lot More: Growing Evidence Of The Benefits Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
August 9, 2023
We’ve never shied away from promoting healthy eating habits- essential for anyone who wants to age in as healthy a way as possible. We’ve also previously described why one important aspect of a healthy diet is the inclusion of Omega-3 fatty acids. They are essential, polyunsaturated fats that your body…
Weight And Wonder: Are The New Weight Loss Drugs Right For You?
July 26, 2023
Have you jumped on the weight-loss medication bandwagon yet? Have you wondered whether there’s finally a way for you to shed those extra pounds that have been plaguing you for decades and return to your svelte days of yesteryear? Although we’ve previously told you that a bit of extra weight…
Morning Jolt: Can Your Morning Coffee Erase Your Sleep Problems?
June 28, 2023
What’s the first thing you think about when you open your eyes each morning? You’re in good company if it’s going for that first cup of coffee. If you haven’t gotten 7 hours of sleep the night before, you’ll probably look to your first cup to help power you through…
Bare Bones: Do You Know The Essentials About Osteoporosis?
June 21, 2023
Despite being classified as one of the 4 most dangerous health issues facing us today, and despite the fact that each year, 2 million broken bones are attributable to it, there’s still a lot of mystery and misunderstanding among older adults about osteoporosis. In fact, in a recent study of…
Slow Going: New Study Suggests Possible Way To Slow Down Aging
June 14, 2023
If there are days you wish you could tell your body’s aging process just to slow down, or times you wish you could capture some of the energy and vitality you felt as a younger person, you’re not alone. Most of us would relish feeling more youthful and extending our…