Be A Smart Cookie: Know What To Eat When You’re Over 50
March 7, 2017
We’re constantly bombarded with imagery and information about food- what to eat, what not to eat, etc. It can all be overwhelming, especially if you try to be knowledgable but not obsessed about your food choices. Perhaps it’s time to get down to basics- and understand what’s essential and what’s…
Down A Different Path: Alternative Therapies For Dementia
March 7, 2017
Dementia can be a devastating diagnosis. It often leaves patients and families grasping for whatever ideas they can find to lessen or forestall the difficult symptoms. Without knowing the scientific validity, it’s not uncommon for families to reach for such alternative therapies as dietary supplements or herbal remedies for the…
Here’s The Skinny: New Studies Support Low Cal Diets For Healthier Aging
February 20, 2017
There’s a clear connection between weight gain and health risks. And the opposite may also be true: two new research studies provide further evidence that reduced calorie consumption may lead to healthier aging and reduced risk for age-related illnesses. First, an early stage study out of Brigham Young University recently…
Meal Time: Does It Matter What Time You Eat Your Meals?
February 13, 2017
Continuing our focus on heart health this month, a new report from the American Heart Association suggests that the timing of your meals may have an impact on the health of your heart. For example, eating most of your calories earlier in the day, and aiming to have a long…
Jot It Down: How Food Diaries Can Aid Weight Loss For Those Over 50
February 2, 2017
For some of us, we never remember anything unless we write it down. It turns out, in the battle for weight loss, keeping a food diary is an excellent tool to help understand what and how you are eating, and to reconsider your choices. Writing on the website Next Avenue,…
In A Nutshell: One More Reason To Embrace The Mediterranean Diet
January 12, 2017
Still sticking to your new year’s diet resolutions? Well there’s even more evidence to support the Mediterranean diet as your essential path to good health. While we’ve known for a long time that eating lots of fruits, veggies, olive oil, nuts and beans is essential to a healthy heart and…