Drink It Up: More Good News About Coffee
November 7, 2018
When you reach for your morning cup of coffee, you’re probably just focused on getting yourself awake and alert to start the day. But scientists know that coffee is not only a stimulant but has the potential of providing significant health benefits beyond keeping your eyes open and mind awake….
Don’t Skip The Fish: New Research Supports The Need For Fish In Your Diet
October 24, 2018
We’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating. It seems that including fish in your diet is essential for promoting healthy aging. And new research just published in The British Medical Journal (BMJ) underscores this point. Researchers from Tufts University followed over 2500 people, with an average age of 74…
Nuts And Bolts: You Should Be Eating These Nuts
October 17, 2018
If you’re like most of us, you’re always on the prowl for something to snack on. But you probably also know that you are what you eat- the healthier your food, the healthier you’ll age. So how do you solve the snack dilemma? No doubt about it: Nuts are among…
Food Fix: The Latest Advice On Foods For Healthy Aging
October 10, 2018
As the saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. And now, new research has shown there is verified truth in that old saying. Just published in EBioMedicine, a publication of The Lancet, researchers from the University of Minnesota and The Mayo Clinic have discovered that fisetin, a…
Happy Meal: Is It Time To Switch Back To Whole Milk And Real Eggs?
September 19, 2018
While some of us never abandoned our childhood meals, many have silently suffered at breakfast with skim milk and egg whites for way too many years. We’ve been told these dietary changes are necessary for a healthier way of life- yet somehow, we still pine away for that creamy whole milk….
Chew On This: The Latest Evidence For The Mediterranean Diet
September 6, 2018
Even if it sounds like a broken record, you need to hear it again: You are what you eat. The types of food that are in your diet have a profound impact on your health, well-being, and longevity. And once again, the evidence points the way to the Mediterranean diet…