Process This: The Downside Of Eating Processed Food
May 15, 2019
You probably know how it feels: You’ve overindulged in a junk-food fest and now your stomach is waging holy war against you. Well, according to a new post in the Harvard Men’s Health Watch, your stomach may be the least of your worries. It seems that researchers have found a…
What’s For Breakfast? New Evidence In The Debate Over A Morning Meal
May 1, 2019
Some of us face this dilemma every morning: whether or not to eat breakfast and if so, what to eat? There are lots of mixed messages about whether to eat when you wake up– though less debate about whether you should stick to a “healthy” breakfast or give in to…
Jog Your Memory: Recent Studies Suggest That Memory Can Be Improved
April 10, 2019
We’ve all been there: embarrassed by a moment of forgetfulness and left wondering if this is the beginning of more permanent memory problems. There’s no doubt that with aging may come disease or brain disturbances that can cause irrevocable memory loss. But it’s also true that several new studies report…
Eat Away: Healthy Diet Choices For You And Those Who Follow You
March 20, 2019
Eating healthy for yourself is tough enough. Trying to do that while also being aware of the environmental impact of your food choices is even more challenging. But as a recent report makes clear, we’ve reached the point where the negative environmental impact of the way we currently eat could…
Gut Feeling: Putting Aside Food Rules and Following Your Intuition
February 27, 2019
Raise your hand if you’re exhausted by all of the food rules and diet advice that restricts your instincts when it comes to eating. Some of us never eat a meal without a sense of guilt or shame or bargaining with ourselves about our urge to eat something “bad.” And…
At A Loss: How To Achieve And Sustain Weight Loss As You Age
February 20, 2019
It’s a perennial problem for many of us: how to get rid of those pesky pounds we’ve put on in recent years and then how to maintain the weight loss after we’ve successfully lost it. The typical advice of burning more calories through exercise and cutting the number of calories…