Breathe And Hold: Why You Should Be Doing Yoga Now
July 10, 2024
So, have you joined the yoga bandwagon yet? If not, you may want to try- if there’s room. According to a new report from the CDC, 1 out of every 6 adults say they are practicing yoga, with 80% reporting that they are doing so to improve their health, and…
Get A Leg Up: The Long Term Benefits of Strength Training For Older Adults
June 26, 2024
If you’re up and about, and moving much of the day, congratulations: You’re putting yourself on a path toward healthier aging. As we’ve previously posted on many occasions, the less you sit and the more you move, the better your health will likely be well into your later years. But…
Don’t Fall Behind: Recent Insights on Balance And Fall Prevention
June 12, 2024
In case you need a reminder, the statistics are somewhat startling. Around the world each year, more than 680,000 adults die from a fall, while millions of additional adults require serious medical attention as a result of a fall. Adults over the age of 60 have the highest rates of…
Bottoms Up: How Are Your Feet Aging?
May 15, 2024
You probably take them for granted, and give little thought to the health of your feet, until a problem arises. Maybe you’re suddenly experiencing some bumps on your feet or curls in your toes that make your shoes less comfortable (did you know it’s estimated that 3 out of 4…
Climb Higher: Stair Climbing Meets Your Aerobic And Strength Training Needs
May 8, 2024
We’ve previously cited expert advice about the value of stair climbing as a way to sneak in exercise without really trying. Now comes new research presented at the 2024 European Preventive Cardiology Conference that provides further evidence of the value of stair climbing, as a way to lower your risk…
Common But Preventable: Injuries And Deaths Due To Falling
April 3, 2024
We’ve quoted the statistics before: One out of every four older adults has a fall every year, and one out of every five falls results in a serious injury, including hip fractures (95% of hip fractures are due to a fall) and head injuries leading to death. We previously highlighted…