Slow And Steady: Tai Chi To Prevent Falls
June 29, 2019
For older Americans, the number of deaths after falls has increased dramatically in recent years. The good news is there are effective ways to lessen these numbers. One of the best ways? Enhance your balance. Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese practice, combines deliberate, slow movements with deep breathing and steady…
Land Up: Preventing Falls And Creating Alerts If You Do
May 29, 2019
When was the last time you or a loved one unintentionally found yourselves down on the ground? Chances are if you’re 65 and older, it was quite recent. Statistics show that one out of 4 people over 65 have taken a fall, and for older people, falls are a leading…
Break Your Fall: The Value Of Exercise To Prevent Falls
March 6, 2019
You’re lucky if you don’t know this feeling: upright one minute and the next, down on the ground. For anyone who’s taken a fall, you know you’re fortunate to get away with just a few bruises or scrapes. But for many, a fall becomes a critical and even life-defining event:…
Break Your Fall: Up-To-Date Advice On How To Avoid Falling
September 26, 2018
Once you reach a “certain age” you’re at risk no matter how careful you are. And the statistics are scary. One in four older adults falls each year, and falls are the #1 cause of accidental deaths for those over 65. In fact, estimates are that every 19 minutes an…
Capture The Fracture: Are We Sufficiently Screening For Osteoporosis?
August 2, 2018
No matter how physically active we are, the risk of low bone density, and thus the potential risk for bone fractures, increases as we age. In fact, newly revised guidelines from the US Preventive Services Task Force recommend that all women 65 and over undergo bone density screening, as well as younger,…
Cane And Able: Why More Of Us Should Embrace Using A Cane
June 1, 2018
Perhaps it’s the stigma or maybe it’s just the hassle. But many of us could really benefit from using a cane as we go about our daily activities- and yet we resist. We already know from a recent post in agebuzz that deadly falls are on the rise- and one…