On Balance: An Interview With Balance and Falls Expert Molly Roffman
June 10, 2020
On Balance: An Interview With Balance and Falls Expert Molly Roffman by Connie Zuckerman Molly Roffman, PT, MA, CEEAA is the founder and director of StepWISEnow Balance Fitness. She is a licensed New York State physical therapist specializing in fall prevention and balance training. Molly’s experience in the rehabilitation…
May Movement: Vital Exercise Is Easy To Do From Home
May 6, 2020
Many of us have probably lost track of how many weeks it’s been of quarantining at home and becoming all-too-familiar with our living room couches. Chances are, despite the improving weather, you may not be moving as much as you used to and your normal fitness routines may have fallen…
Functional Fitness: Does Your Exercise Routine Help With Everyday Activities?
January 29, 2020
So maybe you have trouble getting out of a chair or tying your shoes is becoming a major ordeal. The problem is, these are not heroic acts: they’re necessary everyday movements that are vital if you are to live a healthy and independent older life. How can you make sure…
Break Away: Lowering Your Risk Of Falls And Fractures
January 1, 2020
Many of us have likely resolved to take better care of our health in the coming year – and for older adults, that definitely means lowering our risk of falling and enhancing our bone density to prevent fractures, should we take a tumble. And while the agebuzz team has regularly…
Hold On: New Thinking On Fall Prevention Strategies
October 16, 2019
Anyone who’s ever taken a tumble knows the feeling: losing your balance or missing a step and in the blink of an eye, you’re down on the ground, with potentially devastating results. Each year, three million emergency room visits are attributable to falls, with over 800,000 hospitalizations and 28,000 deaths…
No Obstacles: Parkour As A New Approach To Exercise
July 10, 2019
It may feel like a broken record, but it’s one you need to keep hearing: Exercise is a critical component for healthier aging and a longer life, and no matter your previous track record, exercising into your later years can make a real difference. New research out from the University…