Prediction And Prevention: What Can Be Done To Lower The Risk Of Falling?
March 19, 2025
As an older adult, you’re likely aware that your risk of falling- and risk of serious injury- continues to rise as you get older. In fact, while the statistic often quoted is that one in four adults 65 and older sustains a fall each year, some experts report that in…
Figuring Out Falls: More Insights Into Why We Fall And What Can Be Done
February 5, 2025
There’s just no getting around the fact that as an older adult, you are at risk of falling and potentially causing serious injury to yourself. The reasons for falling are numerous and complex (everything from balance problems to vision or hearing issues, to weak muscles or problematic medications), but the…
Cop A Squat: Why You Need To Make Squats A Part Of Your Exercise Routine
January 29, 2025
Raise your hand if you have trouble getting in and out of a chair. Or how about reaching down to the ground to pick up something you’ve dropped? Or do you ever have difficulty getting on or off the toilet? If any of these daily movements give you trouble, then…
Silent Fight: Are You Equipped To Combat Osteoporosis?
December 4, 2024
You’ve likely heard of osteoporosis and perhaps even know friends or loved ones who suffer from it. But do you know whether you yourself have osteoporosis or its precursor, osteopenia? Like many diseases, you may not know you have it until you experience a problem, such as pain from a…
Frail and Fragile: What Frailty Signals About The Way You’re Aging
November 20, 2024
You’ve likely known someone in your life, perhaps a loved one or friend, who seems “diminished” by age: perhaps they are slowing down, appear more fatigued, spend more and more time sitting, or are walking more slowly than they previously did. They may even need a helping hand to get…
Drinking Age: Yet More Evidence On The Risks Of Drinking Alcohol
November 6, 2024
Time to put down your glass of bubbly, because there’s nothing to celebrate in the latest news about alcohol and aging. As we’ve written in previous posts, there is mounting evidence that even small amounts of alcohol can be harmful to your health. That’s coupled with data that shows drinking…