Put To The Test: A New Blood Test For Cancer Detection
January 25, 2018
For many of the most lethal types of cancer, there are few ways to detect the disease early enough for meaningful intervention. But that prognosis may be giving way to a new era. Researchers from Johns Hopkins have just published the results of new work in the journal Science that…
The Silver Screen: Are We Unnecessarily Screening Seniors For Too Many Diseases?
January 4, 2018
An old philosophic debate: Just because we can do something, should we? For older people that translates into: just because we can test for a condition or disease, is it always necessary to do so? According to a recent piece in Kaiser Health News, the answer may be decidedly no. While…
On The Watch: Whether Or Not To Test For Prostate Cancer
August 10, 2017
There’s no doubt that prostate cancer is a serious illness- aside from skin cancer, it’s the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men, and it kills approximately 30,000 men in the US each year. Yet debate rages on about whether men should undergo the PSA test to attempt to detect the…
Cancer Care: Updates About Cancer Treatments And Resources
June 15, 2017
There’s no getting around it: advancing age puts you at higher risk of cancer. People over 65 account for 60% of all newly diagnosed cases of cancer. If you or a loved one have this disease, it’s always critical to stay up-to-date, as new research studies and services are always on…
New And Necessary: Rethinking Colon Cancer Screening Tests
June 30, 2016
Does the word “colonoscopy” turn your stomach and cause you to flee? If so, you are not alone. Approximately ⅓ of individuals for whom colon cancer screening is recommended have not been tested. Yet this is the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths nationwide. How to address this gap? The…