Mixed News: Updates From The Front Lines Of Cancer
February 20, 2019
There’s good news and not-so-good news when it comes to cancer treatment and survival rates these days. The best news? Cancer death rates are now at a 25-year low, and while there are still disparities, the death rates between Caucasian and African-American cancer patients have significantly narrowed as well. To…
The Costs Of Cancer: Expenses Can Be As Toxic As Treatment
October 10, 2018
They say that money can’t buy love- but in some very specific ways, it can definitely buy you time..and even life. And that’s one of the problems with the cutting-edge treatments now available for many cancer patients. Many cancer patients, especially seniors, are literally being priced out of the market…
Calculate Your Risk: The Benefits And Burdens Of Genetic Tests
August 16, 2018
There’s no doubt we’re living in an age when DNA testing is alluring. With such commercial entities as 23andme or Ancestry.com, if you can spit into a tube then you can find out all kinds of info on your background, your heritage or even your risk of being diagnosed with…
Eat It Up: Knowing When And What To Eat
August 2, 2018
These days there are so many suggestions and guidelines about the types of foods you should be eating or avoiding to sustain healthy aging. Trying to distinguish between sugars, grains, carbs, and proteins, it’s not always easy to figure out what’s the best way to go. And now, some…
Cancer Care: Aging Cancer Patients And New Therapeutic Options
June 28, 2018
It’s been estimated that close to 40% of us will receive a cancer diagnosis at some point during our lifetimes. For older people, that diagnosis may be more common than you realize. More than 60% of cancers occur in patients over age 65. For an overview of what a cancer…
Scope It Out: Recommended Revisions For Colon Cancer Screening
June 11, 2018
Oh the joys of diagnostic medical tests! Anyone who’s ever had a colonoscopy surely knows that it’s no walk in the park. From the prep to the test, you understand why there are more pleasant ways to spend your time. Yet, there’s no denying the value of screening tests for…