Cancer Conundrum: Breast Cancer And The Burdens Of Surviving
February 26, 2020
It’s a good news/bad news story. The good news is that death rates from breast cancer are declining, even if not as fast and far as we would all hope. Women over 60 constitute the largest group of breast cancer survivors, so for many mature women, breast cancer has been…
Coping With Cancer: Recent Articles Of Interest
February 12, 2020
It’s been said that, “Cancer is not a death sentence, but rather it is a life sentence; it pushes one to live.” Those who have cancer are not only pushing to deal with the physical consequences of the disease but also with the attitudes and platitudes of others who may…
Sick To Death: Why The News About Cancer Continues To Be Worrisome
October 9, 2019
Few of us escape the scourge of cancer, either through our own diagnosis or that of a loved one. And around the world, in wealthier countries, cancer has become the #1 leading killer, overtaking cardiovascular disease, for which death rates have come down because of blood pressure, diet and lifestyle…
Who’s To Choose? How To Treat Older Cancer Patients
August 14, 2019
The projections are sobering: By 2030, it’s anticipated that 70% of all new cancers will occur in patients 65 and older. Moreover, cancer statistics show that among the oldest old (the fastest-growing segment of our population, and encompassing those over 85), cancer patients tend to have more advanced disease at…
A Touch Of The Sun: Each And Every Day You Should Be Protecting Your Skin
May 8, 2019
It’s one of the most magical yet maddening of feelings: Closing your eyes and feeling the strong sun shine down on your face- all the while knowing that the UV rays are doing serious damage to your skin. If you’re at all concerned about lines or wrinkles, let alone skin…
Screen Time: The Latest News About Breast Cancer Screening and Mammograms
April 10, 2019
Given that it’s the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women, concern about breast cancer lurks in the minds of many middle-aged and older women. As such, over 39 million mammograms are performed annually, according to the Food and Drug Administration, and a new study in the journal Cancer confirms the…