Have A Seat: You Need To Learn How To Sit In Order To Save Your Back
August 16, 2018
You already know that sitting is considered “the new smoking,” i.e., harmful to your health and something you need to avoid doing. But it’s not just how long you sit that’s the problem. It turns out it’s the way that you sit that may be causing your back or neck…
Capture The Fracture: Are We Sufficiently Screening For Osteoporosis?
August 2, 2018
No matter how physically active we are, the risk of low bone density, and thus the potential risk for bone fractures, increases as we age. In fact, newly revised guidelines from the US Preventive Services Task Force recommend that all women 65 and over undergo bone density screening, as well as younger,…
Are You A Hips-ter? Bending From The Hips To Save The Spine
February 27, 2018
Raise your hand if you think twice these days before bending over to pick up something you’ve dropped. For all too many of us, pain that emanates from the spine or back often means that bending over is a complex or uncomfortable task. Well, it turns out that over the course…
Hip Check: The Rising Rates Of Hip Fractures
January 25, 2018
The risk is real: As we age, and as many of us develop osteoporosis, the potential for fracturing a bone increases, often with devastating consequences. And now a review of the recent data confirms a worrying trend: Hip fractures in older women, previously on the decline, have now begun to…
A Bone To Pick: You May Not Need Those Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements
January 4, 2018
No matter our age, most of us are always concerned about a fall or bone fracture. Bone breaks can lead to serious problems as we grow older, so doing all we can to prevent them makes sense. What may not make sense, however, is taking calcium and vitamin D supplements to…
Strike A Pose But Be Careful: Seniors And Yoga Safety Tips
December 14, 2017
By now, you’ve heard it many times: Practicing yoga can produce significant benefit for older minds and bodies. But not all yoga practices, and instructors, are created equally and the data are beginning to show that injury may be just as common to older yoga practitioners as enlightenment. In fact, a…