Your Best Foot: Caring For Your Feet And Investigating Problems
August 28, 2019
It’s the end of the summer and you’ve likely spent the last few months seeing more of your ankles and feet than you usually do. And maybe you’ve noticed some swelling or some new protrusions or toes misshapen, or you’re even having cramps as you try to cram your toes…
Stress Test: What Can Stress Do To Older Women?
August 7, 2019
It’s no surprise to anyone that we live in stressful times. But what may surprise you is that stress can have significant ramifications for your health and well-being as you age. Women, in particular, are known to be susceptible to the negative effects of an overload of stress hormones. The…
Watch Out: Osteoporosis Awareness For Young And Old Alike
June 26, 2019
The statistics are daunting. Over 10 million Americans have been diagnosed with osteoporosis and another 49 million have low bone density (osteopenia) that puts them at risk for osteoporosis. Furthermore, over the course of a lifetime, one out of two women will break a bone due to osteoporosis and one…
Hand-Off: What’s Causing The Pain And Shaking In Your Hands
April 3, 2019
Whether it’s opening a bottle or organizing your inbox, your hands are essential to carrying out day-to-day routines. But many of us suffer from a range of maladies affecting our hands and fingers, leaving us less independent and more incapacitated than we’d like. For one overview of a range of…
Walk Away: Walking Briskly, With Or Without Poles
April 3, 2019
Longtime agebuzz readers already know that walking briskly may have positive health benefits. And now, with the results from a new research study, it seems your excuse for not taking a brisk walk just got flimsier. It turns out, just one hour of moderate-to-vigorous exercise per week (10 minutes/day) can help…
Knee Deep: Up-To-Date News On Knees and Osteoarthritis
March 13, 2019
It’s been estimated that one in four of us over age 55 have knee osteoarthritis: that feeling of pain and stiffness (and sometimes that awful grinding sound) caused by the deterioration of cartilage that should be cushioning our knee joints. Why does this happen? Much of the problem can be…