Bad To The Bone: The Global Rise Of Hip Fractures
March 29, 2023
Back in the Fall, we noted the looming public health concern of an epidemic increase in bone fractures that may arise from the aging of our population. With perhaps justified concern, the fracture that may be the most troubling is that of a hip fracture. Data about the nature and…
Down-Fall: None Of Us Is Immune From The Dangers Of A Fall
March 15, 2023
You may love him or hate him, but chances are you (or someone you love) now have something in common with 81-year-old Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell: That is, a serious fall leading to injury and hospitalization. As you may know, Senator McConnell recently tripped at a private dinner in…
Break Down: A Nation At Risk For Bone Fractures
October 26, 2022
So raise your hand (if it’s not painful) if you’ve broken a bone in your later years. If you have, you’re not alone. In fact, according to a recent op-ed in The Hill, we’re in for a looming public health crisis in the coming years due to the incidence of…
Pressure Points: Why You Should Be Monitoring Your Blood Pressure
October 5, 2022
Instinctively, you likely know that it’s important to keep your blood pressure in check. We’ve certainly addressed the topic previously and it’s one of those essential health markers that almost all of us have experienced during a medical exam (ever feel like the cuff on the blood pressure monitor is…
Power Through: Consistent Strength Training To Keep You Going
August 24, 2022
You may have read previous posts in agebuzz touting the value and health benefits of strength training. Whether lifting free weights or kettlebells, using resistance bands, or just moving your own body weight against the forces of gravity, there are so many reasons as you age that this type of…
Upright And Alright: The Many Health Benefits Of Better Posture
August 24, 2022
Do you feel yourself hunching over? Do you worry about slumping shoulders or a rounded back? Do you have visions of your later years spent facing the ground as your head points down? These are certainly stereotypical images of older adults with poor posture- but there’s no reason to assume…