Final Acts: Planning Your Own Funeral
August 16, 2018
It’s hard enough getting older, but do we also have to contemplate our own funeral? Some of us have the irrational fear that if we make funeral plans it will hasten our demise. Others of us just can’t wrap our heads around the prospect of arranging for our own funeral, even if…
Till Death Do Us Part: Couples At The End Of Life
August 9, 2018
Anyone married for a long period of time knows that every relationship goes through ups and downs. Perhaps the greatest, and final challenge of any marriage is the anticipation of the death of one of the spouses. One can imagine that is a time of enormous stress and anxiety, along with…
All Together: Where Do You Keep Your Important Papers?
June 21, 2018
If an emergency happens, and time is of the essence, would your spouse or your loved ones know where to find your important paperwork? Do you even have one central place where all of your critical information is together? If your essential info is all on paper, do you have…
Uncertain Aging: How LGBT Seniors Navigate The Aging Landscape
June 21, 2018
LGBT seniors have perhaps witnessed more change in their personal lives, and society at large, than many of us realize. As young people, the ability to be open and honest was available to few and now, in their later years, they stand witness to the changes society has embraced in…
Body Language: Have You Considered Donating Your Body To Science?
June 14, 2018
If you’re squeamish, you may want to stop reading. But for those of you concerned about what happens to your body after you’ve died (or concerned about the costs of a funeral), you may want to consider another option: donating your body after death to a medical center that teaches doctors…
Making Friends With Reality: The End-Of-Life Philosophy Of Comedian Emily Levine
June 1, 2018
If you’ve ever watched a TED Talk, you’re prepared to be engaged and stimulated by the speaker, no matter what the topic. But perhaps you’ve never seen a TED Talk quite like the recent presentation of Emily Levine, who excels at both deep thinking and stand-up comedy, all in a…