Visiting Hours: Planning For That Next Doctor’s Visit
May 15, 2019
Even for those of us who are healthy, a visit to the doctor can be anxiety-provoking. There’s something about that white coat (or maybe our health concerns) that’s unnerving and can leave us tongue-tied. Back in February 2019, agebuzz published a post on improving communication with your physician. More recently,…
Get Ahead: Making Decisions Before You Have A Health Crisis
April 10, 2019
Have you marked your calendar? April 16th is coming. For those who don’t know, that’s National Health Care Decisions Day, a day to remind us to plan for health care decisions in advance of a health crisis. For any adult, young or old, healthy or sick, it’s valuable to consider…
End Games: Costs And Creativity When Planning A Funeral
April 3, 2019
Most of us have reached the age where attending a funeral is not an unusual event and for some, it may even be happening a bit too frequently. If you’ve reached that stage, then you’ve probably given some thought to what you would want for yourself- and, unsurprisingly, the trend…
Left Behind: What Kind Of Legacy Are You Planning?
February 13, 2019
It’s probably a topic you’d rather avoid, but since none of us leaves this earth alive, the question is relevant for all: How do you want to be remembered? According to author and sociologist Lyndsay Green, writing in her new book, The Well-Lived Life: Live with Purpose and Be Remembered,…
Easy Does It: New Help For Making Health Care Decisions In Advance
November 7, 2018
You probably don’t need to be reminded that you need an advance directive– either the appointment of a health care power of attorney or the creation of a living will- or ideally both- in order to ensure that if you can no longer make decisions for yourself, your loved ones…
Lessons Learned: Teachable Moments At The End Of Life
September 6, 2018
We never know for certain when our loved ones will be at the end of life. While some will gradually come to the end others may pass more suddenly, without the opportunity to plan or say goodbye. Regardless, there are teachable moments when our loved ones are in their final…