Tech Solutions: Digital Platforms And Apps To Support Your End-Of-Life Planning
May 18, 2022
As an agebuzz reader, no doubt you’re aware of the value of advance care planning: both to ensure that your values and wishes control your health care at the end of life and to help loved ones with the difficult decisions that need to be made as death approaches. It’s…
We Need To Talk: Advance Care Planning Essential Conversations
April 13, 2022
How are you planning to mark this Saturday, April 16th, which is National Healthcare Decisions Day? Maybe grab your best friends or your closest loved ones and have a really good heart-to-heart about what matters and what you fear the most? Good communication and heartfelt conversation are the foundation for…
The Green Light: Environmentally Sensitive Options At Life’s End
March 16, 2022
Have you made your plans? Do you know what you want? While the concept of planning in advance has been promoted for years regarding end-of-life health care and decision-making, what may be new is that now there are an array of post-death options to consider as well. It’s not just…
Movies Not To Miss: New Documentaries Shine A Light On Aspects Of Aging
February 23, 2022
Have you returned to movie theaters? Are you compiling a list of new films to watch when they come out? Well, following the recent Sundance virtual film festival, several new documentaries have come to our attention- and should come to yours. These are films that capture real, lived experiences of…
Grappling With Grief: Strategies And Support To Deal With Loss
January 26, 2022
One of the many lessons to be learned as a result of the pandemic is that we need to talk more about death- and about grief- both on a societal as well as on an individual level. Far too many of us have been unprepared for the loss of loved…
Can You Plan In Advance? Decision-Making For The Seriously Ill
January 12, 2022
Over the last many decades, the human lifespan has increased. Furthermore, technology has allowed seriously ill individuals to continue living in circumstances previously unimaginable (for example, on ventilators or using computers to create artificial communication for those who can no longer speak). In some ways, these advances have been remarkable….