Lives Well-Lived: The Growing Population Of Centenarians
February 14, 2024
In many communities, it often makes the front page of the local newspaper: that is, a resident celebrating a 100th (or even older) birthday. For example, there was recently much hoopla in the town of Willits, CA when 116-year-old Edith Ceccarelli (the oldest person in the US and second oldest…
Better Late Than Not At All: Exercise No Matter Your Age
January 24, 2024
You’d be forgiven if you think that the older you get, the less important it is to exercise. After all, your joints begin to hurt, your strength begins to wane, etc. Isn’t this nature’s way of telling us to slow down and take it easy as we get older? However,…
Pick Up Some Protein: The Benefits Of Plant Protein For Healthier Aging
January 24, 2024
What comes to mind when you think about eating protein? A thick, juicy hamburger? A high-protein snack bar? Maybe a glass of milk? You wouldn’t be wrong. All of these may be sources of protein. But as you get older, are these the right sources of protein for an aging…
Setting Goals: Will You Be Aging In A Healthy Way in 2024?
January 10, 2024
For many of us, the arrival of a new year has a way of focusing our goals and priorities and we develop strategies for how we want to live in the year to come. What’s on your to-do list? Does it include addressing your health and well-being? Perhaps you’ve committed…
Slow It Down: Extend Your Health Span By Slowing Down Your Biological Aging
November 8, 2023
No doubt you know that people are living longer these days than in previous decades, something of a public health success for our country. In fact, the average life span of an American these days is 79 years and there’s a growing cohort of older adults who now live much…
Brief Bouts Count: A Little Bit Of Movement Can Be Life-Prolonging
November 1, 2023
It can feel hard. If you’re tired and resting on the couch; or you’ve done your daily chores and simply want to put up your feet; or your joints ache and you want to sit and watch your favorite show- you just don’t feel like moving. For many of us,…