Exercise Advice: Stay Consistent and Persistent To Achieve Results
March 5, 2025
The evidence is everywhere: Staying physically active and exercising are essential for healthy aging. But many of us struggle with how to implement that advice and adhere to an exercise program. Yes, we can take a walk, and we can try to stay active doing chores during the day (both…
Fix Your Fitness: Develop An Exercise Routine You Can Stick To This Year
January 15, 2025
So how’s it going for you halfway through January? Have you started going to a gym? Is your exercise routine in full force? Are you now stronger and steadier on your feet? Few of us (if any) could answer positively to these questions. In fact, experts suggest that plunging into…
Play To Your Strengths: Older Adults Need Strength Training
October 2, 2024
Our efforts to encourage you to take up strength training have been strong and steady. As an essential form of exercise, strength training (also known as weight training or resistance training) can provide you with numerous physical and mental health benefits, in addition to improving your level of energy and…
Get A Leg Up: The Long Term Benefits of Strength Training For Older Adults
June 26, 2024
If you’re up and about, and moving much of the day, congratulations: You’re putting yourself on a path toward healthier aging. As we’ve previously posted on many occasions, the less you sit and the more you move, the better your health will likely be well into your later years. But…
Gymtimidation: Get Beyond Your Exercise Anxiety And Get Moving
January 26, 2022
Perhaps you made the new year’s pledge to begin to exercise, but you’ve yet to develop a plan. Or maybe you were gifted a new gym membership but your anxiety about going to a gym has stopped you in your tracks. The inertia, the fear, the “gymtimidation”- they’re all real…
Shape Up: A Conversation With Certified Personal Trainer Sara Frederick
August 11, 2021
By now, you know how important movement and exercise are for your health and well-being. The problem is, depending on your current state of health and fitness, it may be a challenge to figure out what’s the best form of exercise. As we age, our bodies and abilities change and…