(Don’t) Sit Down: More Evidence That Passive Sedentary Behavior Is Harmful
September 7, 2022
Hopefully, everyone had a relaxing and restful summer. If you were lucky, you grabbed some time sitting on the beach, lounging by the lake, or just relaxing in the backyard, ideally catching a breeze in all the summer heat we had. However, if you’re now strategizing about how to spend…
Power Through: Consistent Strength Training To Keep You Going
August 24, 2022
You may have read previous posts in agebuzz touting the value and health benefits of strength training. Whether lifting free weights or kettlebells, using resistance bands, or just moving your own body weight against the forces of gravity, there are so many reasons as you age that this type of…
Upright And Alright: The Many Health Benefits Of Better Posture
August 24, 2022
Do you feel yourself hunching over? Do you worry about slumping shoulders or a rounded back? Do you have visions of your later years spent facing the ground as your head points down? These are certainly stereotypical images of older adults with poor posture- but there’s no reason to assume…
Strolls and Poles: How To Jazz Up Your Walking Routine
August 4, 2022
Whether it’s the summer heat or the summer doldrums, you may be having trouble motivating yourself to go on daily walks these days. While we’ve certainly touted the benefits of a walking routine to support healthy aging, after a while the same routine may get a little dull and won’t…
More Motivation: Do You Need Inspiration To Get You Moving?
July 20, 2022
Are you among those who cannot bend down and touch your toes? Do you hide your Fitbit results because your step count is underwhelming? Are you still sitting, streaming, and binging way more than you can justify? Well, if you find you’re not as active as you should be, don’t…
Summer Strolls: Why It’s So Valuable To Keep On Walking
June 15, 2022
It’s perhaps one of the most frequent recommendations we make on agebuzz: Keep moving and keep walking. The data is incontrovertible when it comes to the health value of walking: To support, maintain and even improve your physical, emotional, and cognitive health, it’s essential that you regularly and consistently walk,…