Sit Less, Step More: Series of New Studies Underscore The Health Benefits of Physical Activity
March 6, 2024
Undoubtedly you know that physical activity is crucial for healthy aging and that extended periods of sitting can put your health at risk. For many of us, measuring the extent of our daily physical activity comes through tracking our step count. Daily step counts can be an easy and accessible…
Better Late Than Not At All: Exercise No Matter Your Age
January 24, 2024
You’d be forgiven if you think that the older you get, the less important it is to exercise. After all, your joints begin to hurt, your strength begins to wane, etc. Isn’t this nature’s way of telling us to slow down and take it easy as we get older? However,…
Step By Step: More Good News About The Benefits Of Walking
January 17, 2024
In the middle of winter, with poor weather conditions often making it difficult or unpleasant to be outside, no one could blame you for slowing down and eliminating your daily walks. In fact, if you’re no longer walking the distances or time periods that you used to- especially when that…
Setting Goals: Will You Be Aging In A Healthy Way in 2024?
January 10, 2024
For many of us, the arrival of a new year has a way of focusing our goals and priorities and we develop strategies for how we want to live in the year to come. What’s on your to-do list? Does it include addressing your health and well-being? Perhaps you’ve committed…
Mixed Message: Both Movement And Strength Training Are Needed For Healthy Aging
December 6, 2023
If you’ve been trying to figure out the ideal exercise routine- whether it be lifting weights or just moving your body- don’t fret because it makes sense to spend time on both. Each type of exercise is essential to help ensure you live a long and healthy life. Research studies…
Athletic Achievement: What Is Exercise Doing For Your Brain And Body?
September 27, 2023
By now you probably know that exercise is an essential component of healthy aging: You simply must move your body on a consistent and regular basis to support both physical, cognitive, and emotional health and well-being. As we’ve said time and again, both aerobic exercise, to get your heart pumping…