Step It Up: How You Handle Stairs Reflects The Health Of Your Heart
December 16, 2020
You’d be forgiven if you haven’t raced up too many flights of stairs in recent months. Between being hunkered down at home and having little urgency in your day-to-day life, it’s not likely you’re speeding up or down stairs either at home or at your office. More likely, you’re barely…
A Little Goes A Long Way: Even Brief Bouts Of Indoor Exercise Have Value
December 2, 2020
We knew this was coming, but now that we’re here, the forecast sounds ominous: Predictions are that given the continuing spread of the coronavirus, and with activity moving back indoors and holiday gatherings taking shape (despite public health warnings), we face a “long darkness before dawn.” In essence, the next…
Intense Exercise: Are You Ready For High-Intensity Interval Training?
September 9, 2020
For those who enjoy exercise and physical activity, the invitation to ramp up your efforts may be an intriguing challenge. But for those who try to do the minimum, not so much. Yet, there’s an exercise option that may satisfy both groups, if you’re willing to embrace intense exercise, albeit…
Work Up A Sweat: Your Aging Body Needs Exercise
August 26, 2020
It’s an old cliché: Use it or lose it, as the saying goes. Most of us know that exercise and movement are essential components for healthy aging. Yet many of us resist, making excuses and looking for reasons not to get up off the couch. Especially during the last several…
Pillar Of Strength: Why You Should Do Strength Training
August 5, 2020
We’re all looking for ways to stay strong during these challenging times- and not just emotionally. Turns out physical strength is also valuable, certainly for balance and mobility, but perhaps more importantly right now, for your immune system. In previous agebuzz posts, we’ve touted the benefits of strength training for…
Move It Or Lose It: The Vital Connection Between Exercise And Brain Health
July 15, 2020
You’ve likely heard it many times before: Exercise is a key ingredient for healthy aging and even small amounts of movement can be critical to lowering your risk of physical ailments as well as cognitive decline. But in case you weren’t convinced by the prior evidence (or motivated to move),…