Competitive Edge: The Benefits Of Athletic Competition As An Older Adult
June 16, 2021
Some of us have a hard enough time getting off the couch on any particular day. Others understand the significant boost to health and well-being that exercise can provide, especially if we abide by the expert recommendations of at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per week. Then…
Move To Lose: New Research Finds Tai Chi Can Help With Belly Fat
June 9, 2021
If you weren’t before, chances are post-pandemic you may be dealing with the issue of “belly fat.” As we’ve previously discussed in agebuzz, excess weight around your middle is no laughing matter- there are serious cardiovascular and even mortality risks associated with belly fat and it’s considered a reliable proxy…
Reverse Course: The Latest Research On Slowing Down The Aging Process
June 2, 2021
While there may be no desire to return to our 20s or 30s, many of us wouldn’t mind if we could just slow down the aging process a bit: maybe forestall some of the aches and pains that seem to arise anew every few months, or lessen the challenges of…
Commit To Memory: Actions To Take To Improve Your Memory
June 2, 2021
So, you’re starting to get back out there, perhaps running into old friends or heading out to favorite places from your pre-pandemic life. But suddenly, you forget someone’s name or can’t remember the address of that favorite place you like for brunch. Remember, as we previously posted in agebuzz, occasional…
Up And At ‘Em: Why You Need A Post-Vaccine Exercise Routine
May 26, 2021
If we’ve learned one thing this past year, it’s the value of a strong immune system- and why older adults, who tend to have weakened immune systems, may be at special risk when it comes to infectious diseases. Even if you’ve been vaccinated against Covid, it’s still in your best…
Getting Around: Is It Time To Get Back On A Bike?
May 19, 2021
Not to toot our own horn, but at agebuzz, we’ve been promoting the benefits of bike riding for older adults for some time now. Whether you’re just beginning or you’ve been cycling for decades, the physical and mental health benefits from cruising the open roads and trails are of tremendous…