Go On Foot: Strategies To Maximize The Value Of Your Summer Walks
August 18, 2021
Now that we’re in the dog days of August, you’ve likely strategized to take your daily walks early in the morning or at dusk in the evening, to stay cool and comfortable while still getting in your steps. Those are good strategies, given how important walking is for your brain…
Shape Up: A Conversation With Certified Personal Trainer Sara Frederick
August 11, 2021
By now, you know how important movement and exercise are for your health and well-being. The problem is, depending on your current state of health and fitness, it may be a challenge to figure out what’s the best form of exercise. As we age, our bodies and abilities change and…
Song And Dance: Sashay Your Way To Better Health
August 4, 2021
It was once said, “There are shortcuts to happiness and dancing is one of them.” What also seems to be true is that dancing can be a “shortcut” to other aspects of physical and emotional well-being. Both from ongoing research and the insights of those who have spent their lives…
Steady And Stable: Strategies To Improve Balance And Lessen Fall Injuries
August 4, 2021
While it’s not inevitable, it is a fact that the older you become, the greater your risk of falling. The CDC reports that one in 4 adults age 65 and older falls each year, and falls are the leading cause of both non-fatal and fatal injuries among older adults, with…
Keep It Up: Regardless Of Age Or Weather, You Need To Keep Exercising
July 21, 2021
No one would blame you if you decided to stop exercising this summer. Between the heat and humidity, and the rain, drought, and fires, it’s not very appealing to be outside much of the time. And you’re likely bored with whatever indoor exercises kept you going during COVID. But exercise…
Blaze A Trail: Hiking Is A Great Post-Pandemic Outdoor Activity
June 23, 2021
Now that you’re reacquainted with the outdoor world and hopefully recommitted to physical exercise, you may be excited to combine movement with adventure and walking with wandering in nature. If so, hiking – whether on a formally marked trail or just off the beaten path- can be just the ticket…