Walking Distance: Even Shorter Walks Are Beneficial For Your Health
March 30, 2022
Depending on where you live, Spring may be in the air (or you may still be wrapping yourself in scarves and mittens). With the arrival of Spring, many of us look to head back out and resume a walking routine. While some may have walked outside (or on a treadmill)…
Come On Strong: The Benefits Of Strength Training
March 9, 2022
If we’re honest, most of us would admit that our physical strength may not be what it used to be. Maybe we’re less physically active, maybe we carry fewer heavier items, maybe we’re not challenging our bodies the way we used to. Whether due to age-related disability, the pandemic, or…
Movement As Medicine: Take Up Exercise At Any Age
February 23, 2022
It’s easy to make excuses: “I’m too old to start,” or “I can’t risk hurting myself,” or “My legs don’t work very well anymore.” And there may be some truth in these sentiments or at least some sense of logic to which we can all relate. But time and again,…
Reasons To Walk: New Insights To Keep You Moving
February 2, 2022
It’s free, it’s reasonably easy (for most of us) and there’s ongoing research data and insights supporting the same important conclusion: Walking is an essential- perhaps the essential- activity that all older adults should engage in so as to maintain health and well-being as they grow older. We’ve been touting…
Gymtimidation: Get Beyond Your Exercise Anxiety And Get Moving
January 26, 2022
Perhaps you made the new year’s pledge to begin to exercise, but you’ve yet to develop a plan. Or maybe you were gifted a new gym membership but your anxiety about going to a gym has stopped you in your tracks. The inertia, the fear, the “gymtimidation”- they’re all real…
Land On Your Feet: Exercises To Support Balance And Prevent Falls
January 19, 2022
It’s almost a rite of passage: Reach a certain age, take a stumble, and a serious injury is almost inevitable. The data alone are worth repeating: One in four adults 65 and over suffers a fall each year and 3 million adults over 65 wind up in the hospital ER…